Kristin Strachan
3 min readJan 3, 2021

“This is Guan Yin, blessings to you.

This seems like a very good time to continue the waking process by expanding our concepts of what the heart is.



The physical heart is a marvel, a miracle of muscle and electricity that keeps your engine running. The spiritual heart has location in common, located in the 4th chakra area of your body. But if you observe in still mindfulness, the heart center is actually a space, an expandable awareness that can fit all universes within it. No walls, no constraints, it embodies the stillness and eternal movement of the Infinite Divine. It is the place of all possible power and potentiality, the wellspring of true Divine Love.

It can also be dark and closed. Past hurts, karma, a lifetime of repetitive destructive thoughts and emotions can make the heart a place of fear and no movement, no light. The heart has also been referred to as The Cave, we’ll save that for another discussion.



Think also of your heart as a lens. In the best scenario the lens is the clearest light portal, with a clear view of everything in perfect focus. To be aspired to surely, this is not always an easy thing. Most human heart lenses are clouded with the fingerprints of belief, endless mind chatter, attachment, the dust and dirt of the mortal dream experience. It is possible to clear the lens, and like everything else of value it takes commitment and discipline. Can you suspend judgment of your own heart?


Here is a practice.

Let us go to that place of deep quiet, no thought, silent present moment awareness. Breathe light into your 1st chakra area, and into your heart area. Allow your breath to help you, being aware of the life force of light and breath going into and out of your body until you are entirely relaxed, entirely still.

Place your awareness in your heart and see the whole area of your body between the collarbone and the navel as completely empty. There can be a moment of panic, like the ground beneath you moving, a sudden fear at the loss of the center of yourself. Stay with it, see yourself as a being of light with the infinite light of the universe pouring through that opening. This is liberty! Watch the great river of light flowing through you, slow, stately, sentient.


In this state of oneness and flow, ask your heart a question. Don’t invent the answer, if one comes that’s wonderful. If no answer comes that is wonderful too. This is one way to clear the lens. Stay as long as you can, it feels so powerful and beautiful that you don’t want to come back.

Slowly return. Look and see that the lens is pristine and clear. Use your spiritual eyes to look through it. What do you see? Keep that lens in place, then open your physical eyes and look at what is in front of you. Does it look different? Everything you see is illusion, can you see what is inside and behind that illusion?

Try to keep your lens clean, and look at the world through it. Wisdom is taught that we create our world by how we see it, what is inside is projected outward. This is correct. The mortal collective mind projects often ugly and painful imagery, but you don’t have to. It is safe to separate yourself from that darkness.


Be that river of light, the planet and her inhabitants need it.

That is all. All my love to you.”


Flowed through Kristin Strachan. Guan Yin Lineage holder, student of Master Zhi Gang Sha, teacher and spiritual practitioner in Colorado.