Kuan Yin Speaks. The Song of the Lotus.

Kristin Strachan
3 min readNov 29, 2022


“​Good morning!

T​his is Kuan Yin.

D​id you know that all flowers sing? They do. Flowers are exquisite expressions of the Infinite Divine Beloved, you would do well to have more of them in your home. Don’t cut them, grow them. Listen to them.

Y​ou are often instructed to “See Through”, to perceive through the mortal illusion to embrace spiritual reality.

B​ut it is also true that you can “Hear Through.”


These practices take time and an ability to become completely still and aware, and that is not only possible but vital to your ongoing.


H​umans become conditioned to see and perceive things in a particular way at a young age, the way their parents instruct them. Children instinctively observe from a place of no-thought, and the world is vivid, alive, and immediate to them in ways incomprehensible to adults. If the adults around them try to shape them into their own vision of how things should be, this priceless ability is lost. It can be regained to an extent, but those unjudged, strange, and miraculous experiences can really only come to that tender untried consciousness. To them, it’s just the way it is. Children are strange in the most wonderful way, coming untainted from the Source.

T​he being through whom these teaching express will share.


“​I started my grandchildren hiking in nature from the time they were tiny. On one such walk I watched as my older granddaughter stood with her hands on a tree, looking up at the branches. She was about 4 years old. I said,


“​Can you hear it?”

“​Yes I can Grammy.”

“​What is it saying?”

“​Well, it’s very quiet and low, but it says its glad we’re here.”


W​e walked on a while in the quiet. After a while she looked directly at me and said,

“​I speak rock too.”


W​e went on, on our journey of life together, speaking to nature. I have discovered that Daisies are very loud, Iris are whispery and sweet, Lilacs pulse with sound. It has been an incredible gift. I am thankful.


I will also share with you that I had one of the most intense soul experiences of my life with a pansy. I was sitting cross-legged on the patio, looking at my flowers, and watching the sun come up. As the sun topped the horizon, a beam of light came full onto a beautiful little pansy and I suddenly had an illumination moment. I could see and feel the soul of the flower as it gazed back at the sun. It brings tears to my eyes even now, this satori moment. It actually lasted about 15 minutes, and I will never forget it. It changed my life. The soul of that flower was as fully realized to me in that moment as the most holy guru or priest. All one. One soul.”


T​his is one fascinating way that you can build your spiritual communication skills. Ask your plants what it is they want to tell you. Ask them.


“​Do you need water? Food? Warmer? Cooler?”


a​nd listen.

A​sk them if they have wisdom for you.

T​he lotus is considered to be one of the most sacred and perfect flowers, signifying the purity of spirit, the living essence of the Tao. Can you imagine, if you could ask a lotus for a wisdom teaching? Why not? There is no reason why not. Listen to hear the song of the Lotus. What is its melody?

T​he life of a flower is as pure as the life of the Source itself. Talk to them, listen to them, love them. Ask them for their blessing, they are powerful healers, flowers. They are superb teachers.

T​hat is all for today. I love you.”


These teachings are expressed through Kristin Strachan. Guan Yin Lineage holder, teacher, student of Master Zhi Gang Sha, spiritual practitioner in Colorado. I am blessed past comprehension.




