Soul Affiliate. Start with the Heart

Kristin Strachan
5 min readJul 19, 2024


Photo by Carlos Torres on Unsplash


As always I offer deep gratitude for the opportunity to combine authentic spirituality and internet marketing, to hopefully assist in bringing a higher light to the worldwide web.

My experience is that I learn best through stories. I think people want to feel the real connection that can take place when someone shares a true and heartfelt story. We’ll talk about Touch the Button also.

This story of my heart goes back almost to the beginning of my journey as a student of Master Zhi Gang Sha. I thought I was the bee's knees spiritually, and in truth I was opinionated, spiky, and ignorant. Fortunately, time blessings and practice have sanded off most of those sharp edges. We still get to be who we are, but the transformation of the human personality is pretty vital if we’re going to go higher.

At that time I also had a tendency to ignore physical symptoms and go my merry way, assuming God would take care of things. God can, but we need to do equal work from our end. Master Sha calls it,

“Tian Ren Ge Ban”,

Heaven does half, we do half.

At any rate I had to finally admit that my blood pressure was romping out of control. I could feel my heartbeat in my fingers, my heart beat so loudly I used it keep the beat in my chanting practice. I was in trouble.

I chose to go first to spiritual blessing. I honored for a high-level blessing for the heart from Master Sha, not sure what to expect, but my soul has been pulling me along on this trip and I had a deep-seated mistrust of western medicine dating back to childhood.

The proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes, and actual experience of a successful healing is enough to go on for the rest of your life. Master Sha was on a webcast when he delivered this and other blessing, thank God energy work can be delivered remotely. I clearly remember that the minute he gave the blessing I felt that frantic heartbeat recede like the tide going out. It got so quiet in my body, so deeply peaceful, and a sense of presence and love resonated within me. That thumpiness, as I called it, has never returned.

The teaching always is that there are levels of negative information, or karma if you can embrace that very valuable concept, in any sickness. I do take a medication at this time, as my blood pressure still tends to the higher, and I have received many more treasures and blessings from Master Sha for my heart. Right now all is well. We’ll talk about maintenance here in a minute. I’m alive to tell the tale, and that’s what counts.

The thing about the heart is that it is not simply a beautiful tough little electrical muscle that keeps blood and oxygen flowing in our body. The heart is also a real entity, a soul unto itself that is the core and center of our spiritual life. The ancient Tao teaching is that the heart houses the mind and the soul also. Right next to the heart is the energetic message center, which is also the finance center, and carries our karma. That’s a big job. Here we receive information of all kinds. Here also, there are many blockages from this and other lifetimes that can greatly impact our lives. These can be transformed.

Remember maintenance?

Master Zhi Gang Sha, my spiritual teacher and Father, has developed a program called Touch the Button, which enables anyone at all, no matter what faith or belief, to receive a very high energy and frequency video featuring Master Sha demonstrating a Tao Calligraphy, A gorgeous animation practice, and Master Sha singing his powerful soul song.

I do Touch the Button practice for the heart many times a day. I do it because I want to live long in this body to serve, whole and strong. I do it to further open and bloom my soul heart, the one that goes on with me into whatever comes after. I do it to feel the great selfless love and caring of my teacher, and to hear the light power in his voice all the time.

You most certainly could explore one of those higher level blessings (info below) especially if you have a serious and life-threatening challenge with your heart, or any aspect of your life. But for a spiritual practice that brings up your energy frequency and light bit by bit, through its very high dimensional power, Touch the Button might be it. There are many more choices to pick from.

Noninvasive, almost unbelievably affordable, no side effects, real results, not one scar to show for it, what else could you want? Seriously. For 8 bucks take that step into a higher realm of wholeness and beauty. Do.

Touch the Button for the Heart

All the TTB offerings, there are many!

Touch the button Tao Song and animation (

For expanded healing programs, I have done this first one for the low back, it is a pretty indescribable experience. Both programs have an extended practice schedule and interactive support.

Kristin Strachan. I am a student of Master Zhi Gang Sha, an author, teacher, and spiritual practitioner in Colorado. I am most blessed and thankful!

