Tao Calligraphy brings Wholeness

Kristin Strachan
3 min readJul 25, 2019


I posed a question to myself this morning, “What is it that people want?” the answer came, people want to be free of pain. All the other wants fall into that one sentence. Pain comes in the form of poverty, anger, disease, loneliness, depression, anxiety…on and on.

Pain is simply pain, one of a thousand possible sensations. Pain is some part of the being saying, “Pay attention! Something needs fixing here!” The mindset of the world says, take a pill, take a cocktail, a vacation, sleep. Beginning a journey inward is a way to transcend this mindset, which doesn’t work anyway. There is a better way.

Chinese, Japanese, Middle Eastern and many other cultures have used Calligraphy as art, as a form of meditation, as a way to bring wholeness. A great renaissance of this powerful writing is emerging now, brought by the Chinese doctor and teacher, Master Zhi Gang Sha. Master Sha studied Caliigraphy with a Master teacher in China, Professor Li Qiu Yun, now 109 years of age. This form of Calligraphy is called Yi Bi Zi, or single stroke. The brush is not lifted to create separate characters, but unites them as one.

“This is the first time in my life I have ever heard of Chinese calligraphy and Taoist philosophy ingeniously joined together to serve humanity with maximum power. I have been very privileged to experience it in person. Master Sha is a Chinese national treasure, a rare talent in China and in the world.”

– Professor Lin Xu Wang,

Director of the Chinese National Academy of Chinese Painting

The aim of Tao Calligraphy is to clear energetic blockages (Qi blockages) with Divine energy, Love, frequency and light. The Calligraphy is traced with the 5 fingers bunched together, each finger representing the 5 elements of Chinese medicine. More advanced students trace with what is called the Dan, a golden light ball in the lower abdomen that is the foundational energy center of the human body. Master Sha’s own energy and frequency are carried in the writing.

The inward journey that I mentioned above involves opening our hearts and minds to accept the possibility that ink strokes on a page can carry Divine message and power to bring wholeness to anything. That this form of Calligraphy can bless all aspects of life, including our soul journey.

The drawing of the Calligraphy can be learned by anyone with proper training. There are many Tao Calligraphy teachers in place and being created by Master Sha day by day.

“The world needs more Master Sha.” Maya Angelou

Master Sha lives and works in Canada, but travels the world teaching and demonstrating the great power of Tao Calligraphy.


visit Master Sha’s website for more information on Tao Calligraphy, and many other blessing and wholeness modalities that he and his students offer.

The Calligraphy show here is called “Ai”, or LOVE in the Chinese language. Try it. Trace the path of the Calligraphy with your fingers and see how you feel.

Kristin Strachan, Tao Calligraphy practioner, Guan Yin Lineage, Tao Hands practitioner, Reiki master




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